Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week one: God's Purpose

Rom 8:28-30
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. NIV

When Architects design a building the first question they ask is "What will it be used for?". When automakers design a car they ask "What is it's purpose?" Anytime something is to be created one of the most fundamental questions is "What is it's purpose?"

In Romans 8:28 God opens our eyes to the fact that He has a purpose for us. God created us and He has a purpose for us. So one of the first lessons we can learn is that we don't have to create our purpose but we have to discover it.

Romans also brings to our attention that long before we were created God had in mind what he wanted us to do with our lives, and who He wanted us to be like. His desire is for us to be like Jesus. Jesus spent His life serving others. Within this deep truth is a simple fact: God desires for us to serve others. With that settled we will journey to discover who we can best serve.

Let's start our journey with some questions. Please comment back with your answers. If you feel like your answer needs to be for me only you can email me your answer at

1. What do you like doing? What are your hobbies, and interests?
-Please give detailed answers.
2. Who do you like working with? Kids, adults, teens, elderly etc?
-Again give detailed answers.
3. Who have you served in the past that you felt like you did a good job?
4. What area of your life have others compliment you in?


  1. 1. What do you like doing? What are your hobbies, and interests?
    -Please give detailed answers.

    I like holding my coffee cup and watch others work, just kidding.
    I read and write foremost. Science, psychology, and philosophy fascinate me. These subjects coupled with Christianity make for thought provoking topics of which I like to write and always ask “Why”. Discussing my readings with a group is exhilarating, to see how their lives have formed their opinions. I also write poetry and fiction.

    When not writing, I will hack at my electric or acoustic guitar. I have been hacking for 20 years, I do not know a full song but I understand most of the theory, chords and fingering. Mostly, I just pick one of my guitars up and improvise, an extension as to how I am feeling at that moment, an expression of the soul during the good and bad times.

    2. Who do you like working with? Kids, adults, teens, elderly etc?
    -Again give detailed answers.
    I like to work with adults because I feel like I have been one since age 13. I have encountered many adult problems before the typical age of an adult. This has broadened my view and communication skills, opening my mind and reading between the lines of the stories told.

    3. Who have you served in the past that you felt like you did a good job?
    I served in the Marine Corps and Army National Guard, for which both I was put in a leadership capacity to serve my superiors. I have always tried to lay low and be the architect behind the scene only to be rooted out and put in charge. I try to do the best I can no matter what capacity. Come to think of it, I have always been placed in a managerial position, as a construction manager, platoon leader, software teacher, bar manager, and manager of 75 school district facilities presently. I have no problems serving.

    4. What area of your life have others complimented you in?
    Others have complimented my on my intelligence, creativity and just living. Scott, you know what I have been through but for the others on this page I will give a short history, very short. My father died of cancer when I was 13, my mother died of cancer when I was 18, my first wife died 6 months after we were married when I was 22, I adopted and tried to raise my only sister when I was 21-23, I found her when she took her own life in April of 2007.
    Others have also complimented me on my integrity, honesty, ability to seek the truth and see things for what they really are and be able to confront these questions.
    My ex wife says I am a good father, I try my best.

    Darrell E Tessman

  2. 1. What do you like doing? What are your hobbies, and interests?
    I love playing with my three grandkids! I love spending time with my family. I also love spending time with my friends. I like to cook, entertain, just love being around people. I am passionate about music, although I can't carry a tune! I have always loved music. I like to dance, ride motorcycles, boating, travel, relax with a good book, watch a good movie (usually a chick flick!), work in my flower beds. I am a member of the Central Arkansas Corvette Club, the Home Builders Association of Greater Little Rock, and I collect Betty Boop "things".

    2. Who do you like working with? Kids, adults, teens, elderly etc?
    Each group is a blessing in itself. I would have to say I enjoy working with all of them. I have always had a heart for children. I love kids and always have. I don't seem to have any problem getting down to their level, acting like a little kid myself. Sometimes I think it's actually good for us! But I also have the "need" for adult stimulation. I need to interact with people my own age, to fellowship with them. I live by myself, so I would assume this is a big reason I enjoy working with other adults. Teens, I could very easily work with. Out of all four choices, this would probably be my last pick. I think elderly people are so very precious and deserve our utmost respect. I have seen too many elderly people suffer from being alone, maybe not having family, or just needing someone to spend quality time with them, someone to talk to. My heart aches for those placed in nursing homes and then forgotten.

    3. Who have you served in the past that you felt like you did a good job?
    When my children were toddlers, I taught in their classes in church. A few years later I assisted the Youth Pastor with our youth group. I felt like I did a good job in both areas. But, again, this was probably 25 years ago. In my business I am constantly involved in customer service and sales. I have been very active in my corvette club, helping to organize a charity car show once a year, obtaining donations and sponsors. I am also on the membership committee of the Home Builders Association. I feel like I have done a very good job in all of these areas.

    4. What area of your life have others complimented you in?
    My free counseling (just kidding!). Seriously, I have been referred to by many of my friends as "Momma Pam" because for some reason everyone seems to unload their problems on me. I have felt many times that I could not fix my own problems so why would they want me to tell them how to fix theirs! I think I am a very good listener, and hopefully give sound advice when asked. I have had many friends, as well as many customers, who will confide in me problems in their marriage, with their children, etc. I know a lot of this is because of things I have gone through myself, and they are looking for encouragement to get them through the same, or similar, situation. I am also a very giving person. I don't think twice about giving, or loaning, someone something if I see a need in their life. Someone once told me the thing they admired most about me was that I didn't care what someone had or didn't have, if they were rich or poor, black or white, that I accepted everyone the same. I've never forgotten that. I don't believe that what you have makes you who you are.

  3. 1. What do you like doing? What are your hobbies, and interests?
    -Please give detailed answers.
    I like to read. I enjoy cross-stitching. I like to bake. I love to dance. I like riding my bike. I love anything pink and girly! I love starbucks! I like amusement parks. I like scrapbooking. I like to play badminton with my family. I am interested in psychology and counseling. I love the ocean!!

    2. Who do you like working with? Kids, adults, teens, elderly etc?
    -Again give detailed answers.
    I like working with teens. I remember how hard it was during those years. I enjoy lots of the things that they enjoy! I also like working with the elderly. They have a wealth of knowledge to offer that younger people often miss.

    3. Who have you served in the past that you felt like you did a good job?
    I think I do well with elderly people. I used to own my own housekeeping business and I just adored my elderly clients. I still clean for one of the ladies even though I have a different job now. I have such a rewarding relationship with her! I am able to help her with her house and little tasks that she simply can't do and at the same time I love her dearly and she loves me in return.

    4. What area of your life have others compliment you in?
    Several people have commented on how much I enjoy giving small gifts to others and helping where I can. Everyone compliments me on my housekeeping abilities (and the really wierd part is that I love to clean!!!).

